


The recorder that will collect method calls and provides an interface for finding those recordings



gets the collection of method calls. This is a hash with the method name as key

Public Class Methods

new() click to toggle source

Initializes a new instance of a method call recorder every time a method gets called in an isolated object this gets stored in the method call recorder

     # File lib/caricature/method_call_recorder.rb, line 166
166:     def initialize
167:       @method_calls = {:instance => {}, :class => {} }      
168:     end

Public Instance Methods

error() click to toggle source
     # File lib/caricature/method_call_recorder.rb, line 193
193:     def error
194:       @error
195:     end
event_error() click to toggle source
    # File lib/caricature/clr/method_call_recorder.rb, line 71
71:     def event_error
72:       @event_error
73:     end
event_raised?(event_name, mode = :instance, *args) click to toggle source

returns whether the event was actually raised with the specified constraints

    # File lib/caricature/clr/method_call_recorder.rb, line 76
76:     def event_raised?(event_name, mode = :instance, *args)
77:       mc = event_raises[mode][event_name.to_s.to_sym]  
78:       if mc
79:         vari = mc.find_argument_variations(args)
80:         result = vari.any? { |agv| agv == args }
81:         return result if result
82:         if args.size == 1 and args.last.is_a?(Hash)
83:           result = vari.any? do |agv|
84:             agv.args.last.is_a?(Hash) and args.last.all? { |k, v| agv.args.last[k] == v }
85:           end
86:         end
87:         @event_error = "Event Arguments don't match for #{event_name}.\n\nYou expected:\n#{args.join(", ")}.\n\nI did find the following variations:\n#{mc.args.collect {|ar| ar.args.join(', ') }.join(' and ')}" unless result
88:         result
89:       else
90:         @event_error = "Couldn't find an event with name #{event_name}"
91:         return !!mc
92:       end
93:     end
event_raises() click to toggle source
    # File lib/caricature/clr/method_call_recorder.rb, line 59
59:     def event_raises
60:       @event_raises ||= {}
61:     end
record_call(method_name, mode=:instance, expectation=nil, *args, &block) click to toggle source

records a method call or increments the count of how many times this method was called.

     # File lib/caricature/method_call_recorder.rb, line 171
171:     def record_call(method_name, mode=:instance, expectation=nil, *args, &block)
172:       mn_sym = method_name.to_s.underscore.to_sym
173:       method_calls[mode][mn_sym] ||= mn_sym.to_s
174:       mc = method_calls[mode][mn_sym]
175:       mc.count += 1
176:       agc = mc.add_argument_variation args, block
177:       b = (expectation && expectation.block) ? (expectation.block||block) : block
178:       expectation.block = lambda do |*ags|
179:         res = nil
180:         res = *ags if b
181:         agc.first.add_block_variation *ags
182:         res
183:       end if expectation
184:       block.nil? ? nil : (lambda { |*ags|
185:         res = nil
186:         res = *ags if block
187:         agc.first.add_block_variation *ags
188:         res
189:       })
190:     end
record_event_raise(event_name, mode, *args, &handler) click to toggle source
    # File lib/caricature/clr/method_call_recorder.rb, line 63
63:     def record_event_raise(event_name, mode, *args, &handler)
64:       en_sym = event_name.to_sym
65:       event_raises[mode] ||= {}
66:       ev = (event_raises[mode][en_sym] ||=
67:       ev.count += 1
68:       ev.add_argument_variation args, handler
69:     end
size() click to toggle source

returns the number of different methods that has been recorderd

     # File lib/caricature/method_call_recorder.rb, line 223
223:     def size
224:       @method_calls.size
225:     end
was_called?(method_name, block_args, mode=:instance, *args) click to toggle source

returns whether the method was actually called with the specified constraints

     # File lib/caricature/method_call_recorder.rb, line 198
198:     def was_called?(method_name, block_args, mode=:instance, *args)
199:       mc = method_calls[mode][method_name.to_s.underscore.to_sym]
200:       if mc
201:         vari = mc.find_argument_variations(args, block_args)
202:         result = vari.any? { |agv| agv == args }
203:         return result if result
204:         if args.size == 1 and args.last.is_a?(Hash)
205:           result = vari.any? do |agv|
206:             agv.args.last.is_a?(Hash) and args.last.all? { |k, v| agv.args.last[k] == v }
207:           end
208:         end
209:         @error = "Arguments don't match.\nYou expected:\n#{args.join(", ")}.\nI did find the following variations:\n#{mc.args.collect {|ar| ar.args.join(', ') }.join("\nand\n")}" unless result
210:         result
211:       else
212:         @error = "Couldn't find a method with name #{method_name}"
213:         return !!mc
214:       end
215:     end

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